Double Trouble
Your Hosts
Aaron E. Connor, Esq.
Frank E. Hemming III, Esq.
May 4, 2024
Hosts: Aaron Connor and Frank Hemming
We often meet with couples planning for the day when one spouse experiences a decline in health and needs long-term care. But what if the unexpected happens and both spouses need nursing home care at the same time??
On this show, we describe this possible scenario, which often sends daughters and sons into panic mode:
- Do our parents have estate documents in place? Where?
- What assets do mom and dad have?
- Who has Power of Attorney?
- Has planning been done to protect their life savings?
- How can an attorney help sort all this out?
Listen as elder law attorneys Aaron Connor & Frank Hemming answer these questions. They’ll describe the steps to safeguard an estate from this ‘double trouble,’ and if no planning has been done, Aaron and Frank will tell you about the Rule of Halves strategy to avoid a complete spenddown of money if both parents need skilled nursing care.
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