Many clients rightly consider establishing a Supplemental Needs Trust (SNT) to address the legal and financial needs of their loved ones with disabilities.  However, in addition to these immediate concerns, it is important to consider how much care your loved one may need in the future and who will oversee any arrangements relating to that care.  

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A primary rule of a first-party supplemental needs trust is that it is used for the sole benefit of the beneficiary.  This is often a trap for trustees who use the trust’s assets for the beneficiary, but ultimately to benefit someone else as well.  A recent case shows how important this rule is and how confusing it can be. 

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If you have a child with special needs who requires an institutional level of care that can be provided in your home instead of in a hospital or other institution, the Katie Beckett Medicaid Waiver program may allow you to keep your child at home, even if you think that your assets are too high to qualify for Medicaid.

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Assisted living facilities are a housing option for people who can still live independently but who need some assistance.  Costs can range from $2,000 to more than $6,000 a month, depending on location. Medicare won’t pay for this type of care, but Medicaid might.  Almost all state Medicaid programs will cover at least some assisted living costs for eligible residents.

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A Pennsylvania appeals court rules that an appeal filed by a nursing home five years after the state denied Medicaid benefits to a resident is untimely and that there was no breakdown in the administrative process that would justify allowing the appeal to proceed. Congdon v. Department of Human Services (Pa. Commw. Ct., No. 1817 C.D. 2015, May 25, 2016).

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It is a great feeling to have your special needs plan in place for your loved one.  But, like all good plans, it may need to be adjusted as your circumstances change, especially with special needs plans that last a life time.  So, it is important to have your plan reviewed periodically by a competent special needs attorney.  If you haven’t had your plan reviewed recently, here are 7 events that may require changes to your plan.

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The Supreme Court of the United States issued its landmark opinion in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges on Friday, June 26, 2015. The opinion covered a series of consolidated cases in which the petitioners brought suit challenging state bans on same-sex marriage. In an opinion written by Justice Kennedy, the Supreme Court ruled that 1) the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment require states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and 2) that the 14th Amendment requires states to recognize same-sex marriages that were valid in the state in which they were performed.

Elder abuse has been called the silent epidemic, but not all cases are what they seem. When a 90 year old gentleman (Frank) gifted $100,000 to his companion of 25 years (Marilyn), he intended to provide for her based on their loving relationship, as his estate documents left everything to his children. When he was later diagnosed with dementia, and his health failed, Marilyn took care of him 24/7, including dressing, bathing and feeding him. Even when he became verbally abusive, she cared for him because she “loved him and because he needed me, and I needed him even as he was. I was happy to be with him.” You see Frank’s family moved next door to Marilyn’s in 1956, each with 3 children, with Marilyn’s husband having died in 1959, and Frank’s wife in 1983. After a year of friendship they became more than friends, and at the ages of 69 and 61 Frank and Marilyn began a romantic relationship that lasted 25 years, with Frank moving into Marilyn’s home in 1985 and selling his own house.

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In the case Clark v. Rameker the United States Supreme Court handed down a landmark, unanimous decision that held that inherited IRAs are not “retirement funds.”

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With the passage of the New York State Budget for 2014-2015 substantive changes were made to the New York State Transfer Tax System (Estate, Gift & Generation Skipping Transfer Taxes). Under prior law, $1,000,000 was excluded from tax under the New York Exemption. Effective April 1, 2014, the new legislation imposes a tax on a decedent’s entire taxable estate, but allows a credit, known as the “Applicable Credit Amount”, against the tax imposed. For decedent’s dying between April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015, the New York exemption (called the “Basic Exclusion Amount”) is $2,062,500. 

The new State Exclusion Amount is phased in over the next five years and will ultimately, as of January 1, 2019, approximate the Federal Applicable Exclusion Amount. As noted above, the new legislation features a generous credit which essentially eliminates the New York Estate Tax for estates which do not exceed the State Basic Exclusion Amount. However, the Applicable Credit Amount is rapidly phased out for decedents with taxable estates in excess of the new State Basic Exclusion Amount.

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